Saturday, February 08, 2025 Detailed Topic by Category
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Should I Have My Transmission Flushed

Automatic transmissions benefit from proper service. Unfortunately, many places push a highly profitable up-sell instead. The transmission flush does the vehicle little good and may cause harm.

How To Spot Symptoms, Before A Breakdown

Many times folks come in with major problems, that might had been avoided, if caught sooner. Not noticing the symptoms are the number one reason such problems go unnoticed. A quite drive and these tips may help prevent this from happening.

What Are The Symptoms of a Bad Fuel Filter, In-line and In-tank

Fuel filters clean fuel and help protect fuel injectors. Good maintenance has always dictated replacing fuel filters at regular intervals. Today they are disappearing from maintenance schedules and the under side of vehicles.

When Do Spark Plugs Need To Be Replaced

Spark plugs come in an abundance of designs. Many claims used in selling spark plugs are vastly overstated or false. Very sound reasons also exist, why spark plugs should be replaced. Many reasons for replacement are not common knowledge.

What is Torque Converter Shudder

Driving about 45 MPH there is a sudden shudder in the vehicle. It almost feels like running over a rough spot in the road or a cattle guard. As quick as it appeared, it is gone, until the next time it occurs.

Symptoms of A Bad Serpentine Belt and EPDM Belts

Serpentine drive belts have been around for many years. Originally built of neoprene, a worn-out belt was easy to spot. Cracks in the ribs and fraying meant the belt was bad.  A lack of cracking was meant the belt was considered okay but this is no longer true.

Myths About Auto Repair and Maintenance

Every day money is wasted on automotive services and products that are not needed. Even worse, in many cases the replacement parts may not be as good as the parts replaced.

What are the Symptoms of a Bad PCV Valve

The positive crankcase ventilation or PCV valve is an inexpensive and often overlooked component. It is also one possible cause of expensive oil leaks and sludge buildup in an engine.

Brake Fluid and Proper Brake Service

Whether drum or disk brakes the force of stopping is transferred by a liquid brake fluid. Like most automotive fluids, brake fluid has a service life and needs to be replaced. What is confusing is that even experts do not agree on when.

Replacing Power Steering Fluid The Easy Way

Virtually all modern vehicles have power steering and the majority are still hydraulic. These systems are reliable and easy to keep that way with a few simple tips.

When Does An Air Filter Need To Be Replaced

Most people consider replacing an air filter is good vehicle maintenance. Surprisingly, this is not always so. The air filter we remove may be better than the one we install and installation can cause other problems.

Don't Buy It

More and more, people are finding out the hard way about going too long between oil changes. The cost is staggering, otherwise good vehicles going to scrap yards. Vehicles that might have given twice as many years of service.

Automatic Transmission Myths

Not many people would knowingly neglect something that might cost them thousands of dollars. With automatic transmissions there is so much mis-information floating around it is hard to know what to do. Hopefully this short article might shed some light.

Dexcool, Coolants and Proper Service

Search the web, and you will find huge amounts of mis-information on engine coolants.  This is especially common in the case of the orange GM coolant, Dexcool.  Statistically, I see no less problems with green, yellow, red or any other coolant on the market.  Properly serviced, all coolants work well.  Improperly serviced all coolants will have problems.

Should I Use Synthetic Oil Or Conventional Oil?

There are two things most people know about synthetic oil.  First, it cost a lot and second, it is man made in laboratories and better than conventional oil.  The first might be so and the second might not.  There is a great amount of mis-information on synthetic oil.  The truth is, synthetic oil is NOT for everyone.

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