Saturday, February 08, 2025 Warranty Inspection
AGCO Auto Quick Tip:

A Pre-warranty Expiration Inspection (PEI) is a great idea with an extended warranty also.  As with all our services, we bill only for the actual time we work on your vehicle, not some "menu price".

Pre-warranty Expiration Inspection (PEI)

Let's say your vehicle came with a three year, 50,000 mile warranty. At 57,000 miles a major component fails and yes, you're stuck. What we have found is, the repair occurring at 57,000 miles was also occurring before 50,000 mile in many cases. Just because you don't yet have symptoms does not mean there is no problem.

A pre-warranty expiration inspection can reveal problems that do not yet show symptoms

With the AGCO Automotive exclusive, Pre-warranty Expiration Inspection (PEI), we can often find problems, before there are even symptoms. We can often point out situations that will become a problem and provide you with documentation. With our PEI you can have problems resolved while still under warranty.

Just drop your vehicle off at AGCO, before the end of your warranty period. We will thoroughly inspect it, check for recalls, updates, service bulletins and known pattern failures. We will then provide you with a list of our findings.

A few of the common things a PEI can find include:

  • Air conditioning systems below efficiency
  • Oil leaks not yet dripping to the ground
  • Transmissions with excessive debris in the pan
  • Coolant leaks, particularly around the intake manifold area
  • Ball joint and tie rod boots that are torn
  • Computer updates issued after manufacture
  • Abnormal wear on brake components and warped rotors

Warranty cost was included in your vehicle purchase price. Be certain you get what you paid for, let AGCO perform a PEI for you before your vehicle's warranty expires. AGCO, it's the place to go!

Please also read why NOT use the new car dealer for maintenance.