Saturday, February 08, 2025 Detailed Topic by Category
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Electrical or Check Engine

GM Truck and SUV ABS Pump Runs With the Key Turned Off

From 1999 through 2006 GM manufactured millions of sports utility vehicles (SUV) and trucks with Kelsey Hayes anti-lock brake modules. These units have a peculiar fault. When they fail the ABS light comes on and the pump often starts running continuously, even with the key off.

How Not To Fix A Check Engine Light

Joe has a check engine light on. Since the vehicle still ran, he took it to a part store that checked the codes. The parts man grinned and said you need mass air flow sensor. Without much thought, Joe made his purchase and headed home to fix his car.

Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS)

Virtually all vehicles built today have anti-lock brakes. Many people still do not understand what they are or what they do. Surprisingly ABS does not make the vehicle stop faster or better.

Catalytic Converter Problems

Catalytic converters have been around for a long time. They first introduced converters in the mid-seventies, on American vehicles. The catalytic converter may go unnoticed, until it fails. Replacement of most catalytic converters will be very expensive. Fortunately, most failures are also preventable.

What Do The Gauges On The Dash Mean

Vehicle manufacturers provide dash gauges to give drivers important information about their vehicle. A dash gauge can show when a problem exists. If we know what they are telling us, dash gauges can also let us know before a problem occurs. Understanding our dash gauges can help prevent many problems.

Diagnosing Power Window Problems

Power windows are convenient, until they malfunction. When the window stops working in an up position, it is annoying. A power window that will not close may be even worse, especially in the cold or rain.

Gas Caps and Check Engine Lights, The Evap System

A check engine light means the onboard diagnostic system sees a problem. When this occurs, the system stores a diagnostic trouble code or DTC in memory and the check engine light comes on. The cause could be as simple as a loose fuel cap. Many wonder why a loose fuel cap causes a check engine light.

General Motors (GM) Speedometer Failure

Many owners of GM vehicles have experienced problems with their dash gauges. Speedometers, tachometers, fuel gauges and temperature gauges that are noisy, do not work, stick or read improperly. GM recalled many of their SUV and truck models for this problem. The recall is up to 70,000 miles, though most people will not see symptoms till 80,000 plus.

Why Batteries Die

The lead acid battery has been used to start cars for many years. They are dependable and affordable sources of electric power. They are also lasting less time than in the past, for several reasons. Understanding how they work can help extend their lives.

Replacing Battery Terminals

Battery terminal corrosion is quite common.  Not only is it damaging to the battery terminal and cable it can cause problems you might never expect.  Simply cleaning it off is temporary at best and can cost you a bundle.

Dull Yellow Headlamps

Dull, dingy, yellow headlamps are as common as they are aggravating to drivers. They cause reduced visibility and are very unsightly. Most modern vehicles use plastic headlamps and many will discolor with age. Replacement is expensive and unnecessary. They are surprisingly easy to restore with inexpensive cleaners.

Failing State Inspection

As of June 5th 2002 the State of Louisiana has mandatory emissions testing (State inspection sticker) in the Greater Baton Rouge area. Many people are understandably concerned when their vehicle fails the inspection. Following are a few items that might help clear up some mis-understandings.

Avoiding Power Window Problems

Most people find power windows very convenient, until they break. Power window repair is one of the most common services at AGCO Automotive. This is partially due to very lightweight power window designs from vehicle manufacturers. The gears and steel lifting mechanisms of the past are rare today. Most vehicles now use light stamped metal regulators with plastic rollers.

Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)

Automobiles today are incredibly complex. Extensive integration of computers makes this complexity largely invisible to the driver. This is by design and a wonderful feature of modern vehicles. We turn a key or push a button and it starts. Another button controls the climate and we drive 500 miles without effort, until something goes wrong.

Storing and Un-Storing Portable Generators

Many folks have asked for our recommendations for storing their portable generators, now that the storms have [hopefully] ended. We hope the following general recommendations will be of help and of use the next time they are needed.

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