The Dirty Dozen -12 Most Complained About Cars
Edmund's recently did a survey of the most complained about vehicles, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The figures are adjusted for the number of vehicles sold, something not always taken into account. For instance, Volkswagen has 4.1% of the complaints, but only sells 2.4% of the cars sold. The list also seems to very closely agree with our in-shop experience. Something to consider before buying a new car?
Spotting Wrecked Vehicles
Having a professional check a used vehicle is always wise before we purchase. A reasonable fear is, "Is this a wrecked vehicle?" This is always a concern. A poorly repaired wrecked vehicle can have many hidden problems. Fortunately, spotting the telltale signs of poor repair work is easy.
Diesel or Gasoline
The debate of advantages for diesel over gasoline light trucks is an old and ongoing one. There are pros and cons to both and basically, the decision to purchase one over the other comes down to expected use. Three diesel engines dominate the US light truck market.
American Automobile Labeling Act (AALA)
In August of 1992 the American Automobile Labeling Act (AALA) was introduced by the Senate. While the purpose was never clearly stated, it was heavily supported by the Big-Three and UAW. It was passed into law on 6 October 1992. In theory it informs vehicle buyers about domestic content in their vehicle. In practice it has several deficiencies.
What Is An American Car?
Henry Ford and many people like him built empires, by providing quality and value. Henry was also smart enough to know if he provided jobs and paid fair wages, folks could buy his cars. He employed countless US craftsman, building cars, parts and a high standard of living. While the names of domestic manufacturers may still be in use, their concern for US jobs is far from apparent.
Hybrid Vehicles, Do The Math
Buying a new hybrid may seem like a great way to save money. Many claim to get fantastic fuel mileage and there is no shortage of media promotion. From a service standpoint and from the standpoint of overall lowest cost, I feel there is another side to the story.
U.S. and Foreign Vehicles
Which of the following top-selling vehicles is a "U.S. Vehicle"? (hint, According to the American Automobile Labeling Act (AALA) to be considered a U.S. car, it must be built in the U.S. and have 75% of its components made in the United States or Canada)
The Best Way To Store a Vehicle
Fortunately, in South Louisiana, the weather is nice and vehicles can be driven year round. Still there may be times when it is necessary to store a vehicle, for a period of time. While storing a vehicle is always less desirable than driving it, there are measures that lessen the detrimental affects.
Deming Management, Toyota, GM and Other Problems I think it is no accident that Deming management helped raise Japan from the ashes of WWII and never really took hold in the West. Cultural differences were certainly a factor. Japanese society has long ago realized cooperation is their best way getting ahead. Western society tends to almost exclusively reward individual effort.
Caring For Older Vehicles
Largely accepted is that things get old and break. Automobiles are certainly no exception. Many people get hundreds of thousands of useful miles. Others have to replace much sooner and have far more problems along the way. There are reasons and knowing them can save a person thousands of dollars.
Service and Maintenance of New Vehicles
I received an interesting question, asking for a recommendation of a new car dealership, from a service standpoint. I feel service should be a consideration when buying a new vehicle. I also have a different view point of how service might best be obtained.
A Vehicle's Real Worth
We perform quite a few pre-purchase inspections on vehicles clients intend to buy. I am often surprised at the number of really poor vehicles that are brought in and the amount they are listed for. Vehicles are NOT inexpensive. New cars easily cost $20,000 to $30,000. Finding a good used vehicle for under $10,000 is also pretty tough.
Should I Repair or Replace My Vehicle?
Sometimes older vehicles need major repair. A transmission, engine or possibly large air conditioner repair. Often when this occurs the first thought is, how much is the vehicle worth? The answer may have less to do with a book-value and far more to do with your needs.
Hybrid Vehicles, Looking Past the Hype
There is an awful lot of hype concerning hybrid vehicles these days. All sorts of claims are made, particularly by those that profit from the sale of hybrids . . .
Pre-warranty Expiration Inspection (PEI)
It never seems to fail. Just after the end of the warranty period something expensive always seems to break. Wouldn't it be great to know what was going to fail, before the warranty ended . . .